Jul 23, 2008

Talented Artists are Everywhere

Storm over Atlanta, GA

Last night the rain poured, lighting struck a zillion times. The news channel said to stay home if you didn't have to go out. Homes were burned to the ground after being hit by a lighting bolt. The trees in my backyard were doing their poetic dance with the wind; practically bowing down to the storm. It was beautiful in that frightening kind of way. I could feel the hairs standing up on the back of my neck. The doorbell rang, the dogs barked and I about jumped out of my skin. It was my new friend Elise. We were to go to our first meeting of our newly formed beading circle. We stood in the my kitchen and I received 2 phone calls from my family saying it was really bad out in the storm. Elise and I looked at each other and said, "you ready to go?". And we were off! There's not much that can stop you from doing what you love!

We arrived at our destination 20 minutes late. Neither of us had met our hostess before. We were greeted like we were old friends meeting up again. Within 10 minutes there were 5 of us. Chatting like teenagers and showing off our treasures. Beautiful free form Peyote bracelets. Incredible Sprial necklaces still in progress. Precious Metal pendants, goregous strung necklaces; I was in my own heaven! I can never remember that saying, something about hell or high water, but you know what I mean. There was nothing that could have kept me from missing out on this bead circle.

As we calmed down a bit and decided what we were each going to work on; the chatting continued. We learned a little about each other and set up a meeting for the next 2 months and whose home and what they would teach. Like little children, not wanting it to end, we each slowly headed towards our cars. With long goodbyes and see you soons, we were on our way.

Elise and I were so deep in conversation about how well our first meeting went that she drove right though the light, with someone watching over us, all was safe! I don't know about everyone else but for a few hours last night I felt young again, excited about new friends and basically giddy over being surrounded by some very talented artists. I would highly recommend forming a beading circle in your town. Sharing time with friends is one of the greatest gifts I know.

Take care, Auggie Queen-Parker


Unknown said...

I do love your writing style Auggie! and you've done this special experience justice with such an insightful personal portrait... simply a delight to read.

You mean I need to start another group eh? :) Oh no!

Diane Geisel Reiki Master, formerly MyGemStoneBox by Diane said...

I can relate to the storm as we are currently under a tornado alert! I live in RI...we don't get tornado's!
What is that old saying that the post office used... "Not rain, nor snow etc..." This addiction of ours drives us.... and your meeting sounded like such fun!

Inspired Designs by Teresa said...

Great post Auggie. Wish I could join your beading group.
Teresa M.

Annette Piper said...

What an enjoyable evening it sounds like. I am really very isolated out here (rural NSW, Australia) and no-one nearby to compare notes with. So I will have to live vicariously through you!!